How to Search for Clients with Upcoming Birthdays

This guide will show you how to search your client database for clients with upcoming birthdays.

Step 1. Enter the "Client Lookup" Section

After selecting the "Client" tab in the Settings page, select "Client Lookup".
client birthday reminders

Step 2. Enter the Appropriate Search Function and Click the Search Button

In the search field, enter one of the following search functions to find clients with upcoming birthdays and then click the Search button:
  • b:today - This function will display clients with birthdays occuring today.
  • b:tomorrow - This function will display clients with birthdays occuring tomorrow.
  • b:mXX - This function will display clients with birthdays occuring in a specified month. Make sure to replace XX with the numerical value of the month (Ex: b:m01 = January).
search for client birthdays

Step 3. Say Happy Birthday!

Send them an e-mail, give them a call or let them know next time they come for an appointment.

If you need assistance with your setup or would like some tips, feel free to touch base.

Contact us for assistance.